Patch Notes: June 3rd, 2020

Home UpdatesPatch Notes: June 3rd, 2020

Patch Notes: June 3rd, 2020

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Some balance changes and tweaks for Nimthyr today. Nothing too major, but here’s the rundown on what has changed:

  • Timed Pay – The payment amount of 3 iron per minute remains the same, however it will be awarded every 20 minutes rather than every one minute due to event log spam.
  • WyvernMods – Champion loot has been reduced and will no longer provide electrum, gold, or silver lumps. Additionally the chance to receive a tool with an enchant has been reduced from a guaranteed chance to a 20% chance. – We feel that this is ultimately beneficial for the channeling market and if we need to modify this in the future either way, we will do so. Rare bone chance remains 1% for Champions.
  • NimthyrMods – We have added in the tiered contributor caches so now if you subscribe you will receive the appropriate item rather than us having to manually correct the amount of coins, sleep powder, and maps you should be receiving.
  • Nimthyr Starter Town – Nimthyr now has a 2×2 pit of moss as there is no moss on the server spawning naturally. You may plant moss on deed if you so desire by digging it up from Nimthyr once the permissions are changed later today. Moss is used primarily for fishing, but does have a few other purposes.