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Nimthyr Launch

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We began working on Nimthyr officially back on April 7th after the results from our poll came in. In additon to hosting weekly events on Genesis, updating a ton of mods, implementing some bugfixes, and then creating this website and the maps for the Nimthyr cluster, all I can say is, what a month it has been!

We are finally ready to go live, and we are happy to have you here if you have come from Genesis, another server, or are brand new to Wurm Unlimited, this is the place to be in my humble opinion.

Nimthyr aims to be a slower rated end game based cluster with a lot of mods and here at Nimthyr, we develop our own content along with using community content. This differentiates us quite a bit from other servers who just grab all the public mods and throw them on and push a button to hope it works.

Furthermore, we are on a dedicated server with backups hosted on an external drive as well as cloud storage so we aren’t going anywhere which is always a huge concern for any game that has private servers. During our dedicated server time so far, we have had one hard drive failure, and we were back online within 24 hours with very minimal progress lost. Less than 7 hours to be exact.

All technical aspects aside, I, along with our staff, wish to invite you to our server and hope you have a great time with this new community and please feel free to sign up for the website, post comments, join our discord, get involved! Wurm Unlimited allows you to be a hermit or a social butterfly, but let me tell you it is a lot more interesting when you are social.

That wraps it up for my launch post, it’s been an amazing month. More posts to follow up here.

– Revelation